KOSTER Training Seminar Calendar

We offer the following seminars:

Online Seminar: WP concrete basements

Basics of construction and sources of error (also for the area of ​​prefabricated elements)

Normal waterproofing systems in WP technology and renovation options


Jul 04, 2024

KOSTER Moisture Mitigation Training

This FREE monthly training is conducted by one of KOSTER's technical team at KOSTER's Headquarters in Virginia Beach. Training covers a variety of topics including: Causes of Water Vapor in Concrete, Basic Concrete Substrate Makeup, Alkalinity and its Causes, Pre-Testing and Core Testing, Proper Shot Blasting Requirements, Equipment Required, and Product Installation.

Upon completion of training each attendee is elevated to Approved Applicator status with KOSTER American. This training is valid for a 3-year period. This status enables the end user to receive a 15-year VAP warranty from KOSTER American Corporation after all proper documentation has been completed and approved by KOSTER’s Technical Reviewers


Virginia Beach, VA
Sep 25, 2024 09:00 AM

KOSTER Floor Coatings Training

This FREE training is conducted by one of KOSTER's technical team at KOSTER's Headquarters in Virginia Beach. Training covers a variety of topics including: Epoxy and Urethane Chemistry, Benefits and Limitations of Epoxies and Urethanes, KOSTER Product Overviews, Manpower and Equipment Required for Successful Installation, Environmental Conditions, Application Procedures and various Hands-on Product Demonstrations.


Virginia Beach, VA
Sep 26, 2024 09:00 AM

KOSTER Waterproofing Training

This FREE training is conducted by one of KOSTER's technical team at KOSTER's Headquarters in Virginia Beach. Trianing covers a variety of topics including: Waterproofing Basics, Negative Side Waterproofing, Crack Injection, and Concrete Repair. Training consist of some classroom instruction as well as a variety of hands-on product demonstrations.



Virginia Beach. VA
Oct 23, 2024 09:00 AM

KOSTER Moisture Control Systems Online Training

Self-Guided Moisture Control Systems Online Training.


Dec 31, 2024



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