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United Kingdom, Chathill Sewage Works

Sewage Treatment Plant in Chathill. Repair to Leaking Sewage Tank. 
Fields of application
Pressure injection of water bearing cracks
The aim was to stop a leak within an 8 metre deep sewage tank. The tank was constructed with cast manhole rings placed inside a plastic liner. The liner subsequently failed resulting in pressurised water ingress through the wall to floor joint. KOSTER Waterstop was used to create a watertight fillet detail around the wall to floor joint and then KOSTER KB PUR IN 7 was injected to stop the pressurized flow of water and create a seal between the plastic liner and the concrete manhole rings.Finally a level, reinforced deck was created using KOSTER Sewer & Shaft Mortar which is fibre reinforced, very strong and designed to work under water. 
Product applied
KOSTER KB-Pur Cleaner
KOSTER Sewer and Shaft Mortar
KOSTER Superpacker 13 mm x 115 mm
KOSTER Waterstop
General Contractor / Applicator
St Astier 
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